History of The Journal
- Starting in 2007 this journal is registered under the next name GLADI for more specific journaling in 2017
the journal was changed to Rehearsal: Journal of Sports Science (GJIK).
- In 2019 GJIK received SINTA 4 accreditation,
- In an effort to improve the quality of articles on volume 12 no 5 December 2021 we changed the template.
- Based on the results of the Scientific Journal Accreditation Period II of 2020 and the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency Number 148/M/KPT/2020, dated August 3, 2020, CONCERNING THE ACCREDITATION RANK OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL PERIOD II OF 2020 Explaining that Rehearsal: Journal of Sports Science is currently accredited SINTA 4.
- Since 2021, Gladi: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan publication frequency becomes four times a year in march, June, September, desember. Each number in the journal contains ten articles.