Vol. 16 No. 01 (2025): GLADI: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan
Gladi : Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan is the official research journal of physical education postgraduate department, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. P-ISSN: 1693-1556, E-ISSN: 2597-8942.
Publish by: LPPM, Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Publishes research reporting the practice of sport science and education in all appropriate contexts including school physical education, club sports, sports health, athlete anatomy, sport psychology, sport sociology, physical activity, and active recreation programs. The journal accepts articles discussing a variety of physical activities, including water sports, gymnastics, outdoor and adventure activities, meditation and martial arts. And uses a double-blind peer review process for all manuscripts.