Author Guidelines

The guidelines for authors converge in manuscript templates.

Manuscript Template of IJEEM available in two version. For authors, please download at the following link.
1) Manuscript Template (English Version)
2) Manuscript Template (Bahasa Indonesia Version)


The guidelines for authors converge in manuscript templates.


Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management (IJEEM) receive the manuscript from type of : research result, research note, review / mini review or feature in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. The studies or topics contained in the Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management (IJEEM) that focused on the environmental management which consist of Environmental Education, Environmental Behavior, Organizational Behavior, Leadership towards Sustainable Development, Strategies Planning of Area, Evaluation of Public  Policy Implementation, Quality of Environment through Management and Development of Natural and Human Resources with the provision of following.

  1. Articles in the form of results of research (research), research notes (research note), review articles (review / mini review) or reviews (features) both in Indonesian and English;

  2. The studies or topics contained in IJEEM are focused on environmental management which consist of organizational behavior, leadership towards sustainable development, strategies planning of area, evaluation of public policy implementation, quality of environment through management and development of natural and human resources.

  3. Articles submitted to journals are not being submitted to other journals / publications and have not been published in other journals / publications;

  4. Articles are sent in hardcopy and / or softcopy with Microsoft Word format;

  5. The editors have the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the submitted manuscript without prejudice to or alter the intent of writing.



 In each article, you must use a minimum of 15 references to relevant scientific articles from the last 10 years. Author can use Reference Management, like a Mendeley. The assessment criteria that form the basis of acceptance of the script to be published in the Indonesian Journal Environmental Education and Management (IJEEM) include:

  1. Title of the article (exact, concise and clear);

  2. Abstract writing (should describe the contents of the article, written in 1 paragraph, and not exceeding 200 words);

  3. Selection of keywords;

  4. Clarity of purpose of writing / research;

  5. Adequacy of the underlying theory;

  6. Clarity and accuracy of research methodology;

  7. Clarity of the research problem ;

  8. Clarity and consistency of discussion of findings / studies;

  9. Accuracy of conclusions;

  10. Contribution of manuscript in scientific development;

  11. Writing system;

  12. Clarity and precision of grammar used;

  13. Compatibility of writing bibliography with guidance



  1. Title: Written short and solid (max 12 words);

  2. Authors Name: The author's name is written without a title, the origin of the institution, country, and email address;

  3. Abstract: Abstract is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The abstract contains a description of the research objectives, methods used, and research results. Abstract is written in a concise, compact and written in one paragraph (maximum 200 words);

  4. Keywords: Keywords contain basic ideas or concepts that represent the field under study. Keywords max 5 ideas or concepts;

  5. Introduction: This section contains background research, research issues or research objectives, and summary of theoretical studies related to the problem under study.

  6. Methodology: This section contains the design or research design undertaken. In this section at least contains about the type of research, subject / object research, techniques / instruments data collection and data analysis;

  7. Results and Discussion: This section contains results of data analysis, instrument testing and hypotheses (if any), answers to research questions, findings and interpretation of findings;

  8. Conclusions : Presenting conclusions of research results and suggestions submitted by researchers;

  9. References: Contains the sources referred to in article writing, only the sources used are listed in the references.

  10. All submitted manuscripts have to be written by referring to APA style, following this Manuscript Template 

  11. All manuscripts are submitted through online journal system. If you already have an acount, you may log in first. If you don't, please Register to the system.

  12. Unpublished manuscripts will be returned and the author will be informed via e-mail in the form of notification.



  1. Articles written for IJEEM include research results (maximum 5 years at the time of the submission) and thoughts in environmental management. The manuscript is typed in Times New Roman , 12 pts in size, spaced 1.5 and printed on A4 paper 15 to 20 pages long. The manuscript ( file ) in Microsoft Word format is sent through the ejournal page by registering first. 

  2. The name(s) of author(s) is registered without an academic degree and is placed under the title of the article. Author(s) must include the original institution and email address espcially for corresponding authors to facilitate communication.

  3. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English Article titles and sub-articles are capitalized (except for unauthorized introduction). The section title is capitalized at the beginning of each word. The section title and title headings are all without number / number, bold, and left edge flat.

  4. Systematic articles of thought are: (a) title (max 12 words); (b) the author's name (without an academic degree); (c) Indonesian abstract (in one paragraph, max. 200 words); (d) keywords (3-5); (e) the English abstract ; (f) keywords (3-5); (g) an introduction containing the background and purpose or scope of the text (without subheads); (h) methodology (type of research, subject / object research, techniques / instruments data collection and data analysis); (i) the result and discussion (can be divided into several sub-sections); (j) conclusions containing conclusions and suggestions (no subheadings); and (k) references (only contains the sources referenced)

  5. Tables and pictures are numbered and titled.

  6. Referenced sources are as much as possible libraries of the last 10 years. Preferred referrals are primary sources of research reports (including thesis, thesis, dissertation) or research articles in scientific journals or magazines.

  7. Referrals and quotes using confined referral techniques (name, year). The inclusion of a source on a direct quotation should be accompanied by a description of the page number from which the quotation originates, for example (Bisnu, 2010: 47)

  8. The list of references is arranged in the manner of the following examples and sorted alphabetically and chronologically. Examples of referral list writing.



Joyce, B. & Weil, M. 1996. Models of Teaching (5 th Ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Books of translation

Ary, D., Jacobs, LC & Razavieh, A. 1976. Introduction to Educational Research . Translation by Arief Furhan. 1982.Surabaya: National Business.

Books collection of articles

Saukah, A. & Waseno, MG (Eds). 2002. Writing Articles for Scientific Journals (4th edition, 1st print) .Malang: UM Press.

Articles in a collection of articles

Romiszowski, A. 2009. Fostering Skill Development Outcome, in CM Reigeluth, & AA Carr-Cheliman (Eds.). Instructional-Design Theories and Models: Building a Common Knowledge Base, Vol.3 (pp. 199-224), New York: Routledge.

Articles in journals or magazines

Kalyuga, S. & Sweller, J. 2004. Measuring Knowledge to Optimize Cognitive Load Factors During Instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology , 96 (3): 558-568.

Articles in online journals

Turkmen, H. 2006. What Technology Places Supporting Role in Learning Cycle Approach for Science Education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. (Online), 5 (2), (http: // , accessed August 20, 2008).

Articles in the newspaper:

Pitunov, B. December 13, 2002. Featured School or School of Excellence? Majapahit Post , p. 4 & 11.

Newspaper / news in newspaper (without author name)

Jawa Pos, April 22, 1995. Lower Class Women More Independent , p.3.

Official document

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 concerning the National Education System . 2003. Jakarta: Pt Armas Duta Jaya.

Sociology, Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report

Bisnu, K. 2010. Influence of Hypermedia Use in Learning Using Learning Cycle Strategy to Understanding and Application of Chemistry Concept of Junior High School Students with Two Different Learning Styles . Unpublished dissertation. Malang: PPS UM.

Seminar paper, workshop, upgrading

Ardhana, W. 2000. Learning Reforms Facing the Age of Knowledge . Paper presented in Seminar and Discussion of National Panel Learning Technology V, State University of Malang, Malang, 7 October.

Internet (individual works)

Hitchcocock, S., Carr, L. & Hall, W. 1996. A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm , (Online), ( uk / survey / survey.html, accessed June 12, 1996).



Any accepted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, plus editorial comments. The author is required to revised the manuscript according to reviewer comments and editors. Editor team will process it for later publication. For peer review process diagrams please go to Peer Review Process page.