Author Guidelines


Type your article title, maximum 12 words typed

With Calibri letters, 14 in Bold, Flat Middle. (Font 14)


Author1, Author 2, not abbreviated without title [Calibri (body), 11, normal,].

1 field of science, Institution / University


2 fields of science, Institution / University

Email: [Calibri (body), 10, normal,].


Abstract. abstract typed here in English letter 10 Calibri. no more than 205 words, in one paragraph without reference (reference) without abbreviations / acronyms, and without footnotes. Abstract contains: research objectives, research methods, analysis techniques and research results. Type in Calibri, single space, and italicized.


Keywords : Keywords: maximum 4 words [Calibri (body), 10, italic,].



The introduction is typed in capital letters [font Calibri 11 (body] contains a background in overcoming a problem, clear theory, urgency and rationalization, literature review from primary sources, problem solving plans, renewal of science, activity objectives, and hypothesis development, national journal references and International, Clearly the State of the ART, The novelty of the methods carried out and the impact on the development of science.Note to authors: Maximum article length is 8 pages (excluding literature). Each article will be traced / plagiarized. Authors are required to send a statement that the article has never been published. Articles are typed in Microsoft Office Word format. By using the font Calibri (body) size 11, single spaced on A4 paper. Authors can submit and register articles via online OJS on the website by first registering and uploading the article. [Calibri (body), 11, normal,].



The research method describes: the approach, scope or object, operational variable definition / research focus description, place, population and sample / informant, main materials and tools, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. [Calibri (body), 11, normal,].



The research results are presented in full and in accordance with the scope of the study. The results of the research can be completed with tables, graphs (images), and / or charts. Tables and figures are numbered and titled. This section contains answers to problems found in the introduction. This answer is the final conclusion of what has been discussed and analyzed in the previous section.


The discussion section presents the findings logically, links with relevant reference sources for national and international journals, GAP analysis, scientific updates and findings that are clearly described, comparison of references to relevant research results from national and international journals. [Calibri (body), 11, normal].


The conclusion contains a brief summary of the results of the study and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to research questions or research objectives. Research results provide suggestions / contributions to the application and / or development of science. [Calibri (body), 11, normal,].


Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding supporter of your research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters



Contains referenced sources and at least 80% are primary literature or 10-15 references to national and international journals, published in the last 5 years. Reference lists are written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Fifth edition. All sources listed in the bibliography must be in the article manuscript. Writing scripts uses reference applications (reference managers) such as Mendeley, Zotero, Reffwork, Endnote and others. [Calibri (body), 11, normal,].


Abdullah, A. (2012). Analysis of Da'wah Swot in Indonesia: Efforts to Formulate a Da'wah Map. MIQOT: Journal of Islamic Sciences, 36 (2).

Abror, R. H. (2014). Rethinking Muhammadiyah: Mosque, Da'wah Theology and Social Tauhid (Da'wah Philosophy Perspective). Da'wah Science: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies, 6 (1), 53-75.

Afriza, M. F. (2016). Religious Social Conflict Between Nu and Muhammadiyah: A Case Study of Nampu Village, Gemarang District, Madiun Regency. UIN Sunan Ampel: Surabaya.

Amin, S. (2010). Inheritance of Local History Values through Formal and Informal Learning of History in High School Students in Kudus Kulon. Doctoral dissertation, Sebelas Maret University.

Anggariani, D. (2013). Kinship Politics. Journal of Prophetic Politics, 2 (2).

Anshori, A., & Hidayat, S. (2017). Management of Muhammadiyah Cadre Education in Forming Student Morals (Case Study at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta and SMK Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta in 2016/2017



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