Optimization of Caterpillar 777D Dump Truck Design for Coal Transporter

  • Yaziz Zidan Yusniansyah Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Iwan Kurniawan Universitas Mercu Buana
Keywords: Caterpillar 777D, Autodesk Inventor, Load Distribution


In the world of coal mining the use of heavy equipment is absolute. The use of heavy equipment in coal mining is a job that requires optimal production capabilities of heavy equipment, because there are large volumes of excavation work, stockpiling and transportation of material. The standard body design on the Caterpillar 777D dump truck has not been specifically designed for transporting coal materials, so it is not ideal. This study aims to design a dump truck body by adding a larger body capacity than the standard body. The standard used for determining the mass of material to be transported is in accordance with ISO 6483: 1980. After obtaining a new body design using Autodesk Inventor software, the weight of the body and the weight of the coal to be transported will be known, after that the load distribution calculation on the axles will be carried out. front and rear axles. Load distribution will be limited by the maximum load allowed on the front axle and rear axle according to the regulations specified on the Caterpillar 777D unit. Having obtained a new body design with a more optimal transport volume capacity, it will be very useful for more efficient coal transportation. So it was concluded that the results of the analysis of the Caterpillar 777D tub specifically for coal transportation can exceed the standard volume capacity with a volume capacity of 120 m3.


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How to Cite
Yaziz Zidan Yusniansyah and Iwan Kurniawan, “OPTIMALISASI DESAIN TRUK JUNGKIT CATERPILLAR 777D UNTUK PENGANGKUTAN BATU BARA”, J. Konversi Energi dan Manufaktur, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 94 -, Jul. 2023.