Studi Kasus : Pelataran Tepian Sugai Musi di Kawasan Kampung Kapitan 7 Ulu Palembang

  • Mita Hargianti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Teknik Serasan Muara Enim



Keberadaan ruang terbuka publik ditepian sungai Musi, Palembang belum dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal, seperti area pelataran 7 Ulu di Kawasan Kampung Kapitan yang  sepi pengunjung. Pemanfaatan fungsi tepian sungai menjadi ruang terbuka publik tidak dibarengi dengan pembangunan fasilitas infrastruktur yang memadai.  Melalui penelitian ini akan dikaji mengenai kebutuhan fasilitas, tingkat pelayanan dan nilai ekonomis pengembangan fasiltas di area pelataran 7 Ulu. Untuk dapat mengetahui apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan, diperlukan pengamatan terhadap setting fisik dan aktivitas, pembobotan fasilitas eksisting berdasar kriteria waterfront design character dengan metode skala likert, analisis tingkat pelayanan pelataran dan kebutuhan fasilitas dengan metode level of service. Nilai investasi dari fasilitas yang ditambahkan dianalisis menggunakan net present value, payback periods, internal rate of return dan depresiasi. Dari analisis nilai investasi diketahui bahwa perencanaan fasilitas dermaga wisata, kulinery, papan iklan menjadikan perencanaan fasilitas 7 Ulu layak investasi. Peningkatan terhadap standar pelayanan umum seperti pencapaian menuju pelataran, fasilitas-fasilitas penunjang dan keamanan musti kontekstual dengan karakter kawasan sehingga penataan pelataran dapat mendukung kawasan pelestarian 7 Ulu.

Kata kunci: Fasilitas, Ruang Terbuka Publik



The existence of public open space on the banks of the Musi river, Palembang has not been used optimally, such as the 7 Ulu courtyard area in the Kapitan Village area which is empty of visitors. Utilization of the function of river banks into public open spaces is not accompanied by the development of adequate infrastructure facilities. Through this research, it will be studied about the need for facilities, service levels and the economic value of developing facilities in the courtyard area of ​​7 Ulu. To be able to find out what needs to be improved, it is necessary to observe the physical setting and activities, the weighting of the existing facilities based on the waterfront design character criteria using the Likert scale method, analysis of the level of service in the yard and the need for facilities using the level of service method. The investment value of the added facilities was analyzed using net present value, payback periods, internal rate of return and depreciation. From the analysis of the investment value, it is known that the planning of tourist pier facilities, culinary, and billboards makes the planning of the 7 Ulu facility worthy of investment. Improvement of public service standards such as reaching the courtyard, supporting facilities and security must be contextual with the character of the area so that the arrangement of the courtyard can support the 7 Ulu conservation area

Keywords: Facilities, Public Open Spaces



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How to Cite
Hargianti, M. (2021). ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN FASILITAS INSTRUKTUR RUANG TERBUKA PUBLIK DI TEPIAN SUNGAI MUSI . Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil, 10(3), 130 - 140.