
  • Imam Arif Raharjo S1 Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Massus Subekti S1 Pendidikan teknik Elektro
  • Purwanto Gendroyono S1 Pendidikan teknik Elektro


Training, Checking, Repairing, Installation, Fire


Household Electrical Installation Training as a Fire Prevention Effort for the Community of Jatinegara District, East Jakarta Through Educational Approaches will be conducted at the Jatinegara District office by involving a certified installer accompanied by 5 (five) final year students of the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, State University Jakarta, which participated in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. Participants who will take part in this activity are youth youths, community leaders, electricians, builders with the duration of the implementation of activities for a full month including the provision of knowledge about electrical installation standards, the threat of fire from electrical installations not according to standards, electrical installation engineering skills according standards, checking citizens' electrical installations, and data collection, checking and repairing electrical installations in people's homes that are not in accordance with PUIL 2011 standards. This activity is one of the programs that is given on an annual basis to communities in the target area as part of the application of knowledge knowledge in the community. The methods used in this activity include lectures, questions and answers, demonstrations, practices, and observations as well as data collection, checking and improvement directly in the community with an educational approach. Evaluation of the success of the program will be known through the provision of pre and post test to all participants including the instrument of satisfaction of the implementation of training activities. From the evaluation results there were 99% of participants feeling satisfied with the training activities. Of the 99% of participants, there were 35% who strongly agreed and 64% agreed on the relevance of the material and the expectations of the participants. And only 1% of participants who expressed disagreement about the relevance of the material and expectations of participants


Pelatihan Instalasi Kelistrikan Rumah Tangga Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran Bagi Masyarakat Kecamatan Jatinegara Jakarta Timur Melalui Pendekatan Edukatif akan dilakukan di kantor Kecamatan Jatinegara dengan melibatkan seorang instalatir bersertifikasi dengan didampingi oleh 5 (lima) orang mahasiswa tingkat akhir Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta yang mengikuti program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN). Peserta yang akan mengikuti kegiatan ini adalah para pemuda karang taruna, tokoh masyakarat, tukang listrik, tukang bangunan dengan durasi pelaksanaan kegiatan selama 1 bulan penuh meliputi pemberian pengetahuan tentang standar instalas listrik, ancaman kebakaran dari intalasi listrik tidak sesuai standar, keterampilan Teknik instalasi listrik sesuai standar, pengecekan instalasi listrik warga, dan pendataan, pengecekan dam perbaikan instalasi listrik di rumah-rumah warga masyarakat yang belum sesuai dengan standar PUIL 2011. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu program yang diberikan secara berkesinambungan setiap tahunnya pada masyarakat di daerah binaan sebagai bagian pengamplikasian ilmu pengetahuan di masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini antara lain ceramah, tanya jawab, demonstrasi, praktik, dan observasi serta pendataan, pengecekan dan perbaikan lansung di masyarakat dengan pendekatan edukatif. Evaluasi keberhasilan program akan diketahui memalui pemberian pre dan post test kepada semua peserta termasuk instrument kepuasan pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan. Dari hasil evaluasi terdapat 99% peserta merasakan puas dengan kegiatan pelatihan. Dari 99% peserta tersebut, terdapat 35% yang sangat setuju dan 64 % setuju terhadap relevansi materi dan harapan peserta. Dan hanya 1% peserta yang menyatakan tidak setuju terhadap relevansi materi dan harapan peserta


