
  • Hidayat Humaid Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Video contest, volleyball technique



The condition of the Covid-19 Pandemic which lasted more than 6 months, forcing various activities outside the home and involving many people became difficult to carry out. Sports activities are also recommended to do activities independently and not in groups. For volleyball, especially among students, this condition is increasingly becoming an obstacle that cannot be avoided. Various forms of play on the field become difficult to use as a means of volleyball activity. As an innovation in channeling competition activities and training results, a volleyball technique video contest was held online through a video contest on the YouTube channel. The target output is in the form of an achievement in a volleyball technique video contest that is held as a substitute for matches that cannot be held on the field. 7 participants with 7 uploaded videos took part in the contest. After judging by a volleyball coach and physical education teacher, we obtained 5 videos with the best content.


Kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 yang berlangsung lebih dari 6 bulan, memaksa berbagai kegiatan di luar rumah dan melibatkan banyak orang menjadi hal yang sulit dilaksanakan. Kegiatan olahraga juga disarankan lebih kepada melakukan aktivitas secara mandiri dan tidak berkelompok. Untuk cabang bola voli terutama dikalangan pelajar, kondisi in semakin menjadi kendala yang tidak bisa dihindari. Berbagai bentuk permainan di lapangan menjadi sulit untuk dijadikan sarana beraktivitas permainan bola voli. Sebagai inovasi dalam rangka menyalurkan kegiatan kompetisi dan hasil latihan, diadakan video kontes teknik bola voli secara online melalui kontes video di YouTube channel. Luaran yang ditargetkan berupa prestasi dalam video kontes teknik bola voli yang diselenggarakan sebagai pengganti pertandingan yang belum dapat dilaksanakan di lapangan. Diperoleh 7 peserta dengan 7 video unggahan yang mengikuti kontes. Setelah dilakukan penjurian oleh pelatih bola voli dan

guru pendidikan jasmani, diperoleh 5 video dengan konten terbaik.





How to Cite

Humaid, H. (2020). VIDEO KONTES BOLA VOLI TINGKAT SEKOLAH DASAR/SEDERAJAT . Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(01), SNPPM2020P-249 - SNPPM2020P-252. Retrieved from

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