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SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 6 Issue 3, December 2021
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021)SPEKTRA Volume 6 issue 3 contains 5 papers: 1) Spectroscopic and Radiative Properties Of SM3+ Doped Sodium-Lead-Zinc-Lithium-Borate Glasses; 2) Detection and Monitoring System on The Package Receiving Box; 3) Working Analysis of Space Time Trellis Code on Wifi Mimo(2x2) System OFDM; 4) The Relationship Between Time and Water Content of Fish Dried Using Solar Panel-Based Dryers; and 5) Linear Generator Prototype with Vertical Configuration of Sea Wave Power Plant.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 6 Issue 2, October 2021
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021)SPEKTRA Volume 6 issue 2 contains 6 papers: 1) Numerical Analysis of Electric Force Distribution on Tumor Mass in DC Electric Field Exposure; 2) Study of The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Electroencephalography Measurement in Faraday’s Cage; 3) The Operational Mode of Optical Microscope Applying Photonic Jet Microscopy; 4) Analysis of Lattice Parameter, Error, and The Bandgap Energy in Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) Semiconductor Material; 5) The Parameter Analysis of Cubical Structured Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Semiconductor Materials; and 6) The Simulation and Data Analysis of Temperature Sensor.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 6 Issue 1, April 2021
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)SPEKTRA Volume 6 issue 1 contains 8 papers: 1) The Development of Image Processing Method on The Automatic Reading System of The Glass Thermometer Using A Digital Camera; 2) The Data Acquisition Role on Static Test for Validation of RX320 Rocket Motor Design; 3) Seed Mediated Synthesis of Hexagonal S-Doped ZnO Nanorod and Its Physical Properties; 4) Increasing The Calcium Silicate Hydrate Amount in Reactive Powder Concrete Using Marble Powder; 5) Modification of Purun Tikus (Eleocharis Dulcis) as A Natural Fiber Composite Using KMnO4 and NaOH; 6) Simulation of Peak Ground Acceleration and Pseudo Spectral Acceleration of Palu Earthquake September 28th 2018; 7) The Bone Microstructure Identification Model Based on Backscatter Mode of Ultrasound; and 8) The Simulation of Granular Particle on Dry And Moisturized Porous Horizontal Surfaces.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 5 Issue 3, December 2020
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2020)SPEKTRA Volume 5 issue 3 contains 8 papers: 1) The Influence of Surfactant and Protective Colloid on Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Synthesized by Emulsion Polymerization Technique; 2) Analysis and Interpretation of Time-Lapse Micorgravity Data Case Study in Kota Lama Semarang Tourism Area; 3) The Compatibility of Model for Low Shear Flow Analysis in Developing Plasticized HTPB-Based Binder; 4) The Change of Rock Condition Observed by H/V Spectral and Ellipticity Curve Inversion Analysis (Case Study: Palu Earthquake September 28, 2018); 5) Analysis of A Peak Ground Acceleration Value and Earthquake Intensity Using Donovan Method in Banten Province; 6) Geophysical Forensic for Archaeological Exploration in Muarojambi, Indonesia; 7) Comparison Study of Vertical Cylinder Tank Diameter Measurement Between Strapping and Optical Method; and 8) Design of Neutronic Parameters of MTR Reactor Using WIMSD-5B/Batan-Fuel Codes.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 5 Issue 2, August 2020
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)SPEKTRA Volume 5 issue 2 contains 8 papers: 1) The Effect of Cobalt Content on Magnetic Properties of CoFe Alloys; 2) Uncertainty Analysis of Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation; 3) The Stability Studies of Mixed Halide Perovskite CH3NH3PbBrXI3-X Thin Films in Ambient with Air Humidity 70% using UV-Vis Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction; 4) The Magnetic Properties Measurement of Coil For Gravitational Acceleration Determination; 5) A Preliminary Study of Radiation Quality Correction Factor (kQ) Determination for Well-Type Ionization Chamber; 6) The Monitoring System of Indoor Air Quality Based on Internet of Things; 7) Measuring Instrument for Refilled Drinking Water using a TDS Sensor; and 8) The Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Thin Film Doping Selenium.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 5 Issue 1, April 2020
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)SPEKTRA Volume 5 issue 1 contains 9 papers: 1) Design of The Pollution Gas Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitoring System Based on Microcontroller; 2) The Determination of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Film Band Gap Energy Ba0,15Sr0,85TiO3 Using Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy; 3) Synthesis and Characterization of Structural Nanocomposite Titanium Dioxide Copper-Doped Using The Impregnation Method; 4) Analysis of The Effect of Care Dose 4D Software Use on Image Quality and Radiation Dose on The CT Scan Abdomen; 5) Characteristics of Rainfall and Precipitable Water in The Annual and Semiannual Rainfall in The Area with Various Intensity of El Nino (Sumatera Case Study); 6) The Design of Display Digital Data Interface Clamp-Meter Complemented by Sensor GMR (Giant Magnetoresistance); 7) The Outbreak’s Modeling of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Using The Modified Seir Model in Indonesia; 8) Design of Metal Heat Conductivity Measurement Using Probe Method; and 9) Surface Morphology Of Sputtered Titanium-Aluminum-Nitride Coatings.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 4 Issue 3, December 2019
Vol. 4 No. 3 (2019)SPEKTRA Volume 4 issue 3 contains 5 papers: 1) Analysis of Structure and Antimicrobial Activity of CeO2 and Nd2O3 Nanoparticles; 2) Utilization of Coal Bottom Ash as Briquette Material; 3) Internet of Things of Electronic Seal Base on GPRS Short Message Service and Thingspeak; 4) Buried Waveguide Polymethylmethacrylate Modeling for Refractive Index Sensor Application using Finite Element Method; 5) The Application of Shift Method using Moving Laser on Cancer Cases in Head Area using 3DCRT and VMAT Technology.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 4 Issue 2, August 2019
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019)SPEKTRA Volume 4 issue 2 contains 6 papers: 1) The Spring Variation in Two Dimensional Modeling Of Red Blood Cell Deformability Based on Granular; 2) Optimization of The Use of Fly Ash Is An Additive Portland Composite Cement (PCC); 3) Fluidization of A Bed of Solid Particles In A Two Dimensional Vertical Box; 4) Fruit Sweetness Characterization Using Impedance Spectroscopy Method; 5) Biosensor System Design for Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Using Current Mirror Circuit; 6) Multi-Channel Fry Counter Design Using Optocoupler Sensor.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 4 Issue 1, April 2019
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)SPEKTRA Volume 4 issue 1 contains 5 papers: 1) Proton Dripline for Isotone N = 18, 20, and 22 Using Modified Relativistic Mean Field (MRMF) Model; 2) The Effect of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) on The Photoluminescence Properties of Carbon Dots from Cassava Peels Synthesized by Hydrothermal Methods; 3) Acceleration Response Spectrum and Effective Duration of Lebak Earthquake January 23, 2018 in Jakarta Region; 4) Analysis The Effect of Primary Coil Length of Transformator to The Resulted Electromotif Force; 5) Heating and Quenching Procedure on The Making of Traditional Blacksmith Steel With High Quality.
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 3 Issue 3, December 2018
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2018)SPEKTRA Volume 3 issue 3 contains 6 papers: 1) Two-Dimensional Dynamics Of Spherical Grain Floating On The Propagating Wave Fluid Surface, 2) Struktur Mikro Dan Sifat Magnetik Dari Lapisan Tipis Nanokomposit Fe3o4/Pvdf, 3) Pengaruh Gelombang Mikro (Microwave Assisted) Terhadap Kurva Histerisis Dari Bahan Ferromagnetik Copd Berbentuk Ellipsoid, 4) Identifikasi Ketebalan Lapisan Sedimen Dan Struktur Bawah Permukaan Di Zona Amblesan Kota Lama Semarang Berdasarkan Data Mikroseismik, 5) Synthesis Of Sodalite Zeolite From Coal Bottom Ash With Variation Of Naalo2 Concentration Using Alkali Melting Hydrothermal Method, 6) The Effect Of Synthetic Zeolites On Sensitivity And Stability Of Uric Acid Biosensor Using Cycle Voltametry Method.