E-ISSN: 2684-8392
P-ISSN: 2807-8802
General Guidleines
1. Manuscript submitted to the editorial communications are in the form of research results.
2. Article has never been published in other Journal. If an article or part of an article has been published or presented, the author must include the caption.
3. The script is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English, using the font Arial 12, size of A4, upper margin 2.5 cm, below 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, and left 2.5 cm with a line density of 1,5 space.
4. The length of the manuscript is sent between 5000 to 10.000 words (including abstract, image, graphic/table and bibliography). While the abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English between 150 – 300 words and is accompanied by 3-5 keywords.
5. Posts posted through online submission at: http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/communications/about/submissions
6. The manuscript entered into editorial will be through the double blind-review process by the partners of the Bebestari and the decision "acceptable" is determined by the Editor. The manuscript that is loaded will be edited again by the editor without altering the substance.
1. The title is written concise, effective and informative, with a maximum number of 12 words including the word liaison.
2. Typeface type Arial 18, with line spacing of 1 space.
3. The manuscript is accompanied by the identity of the author which includes: the name of the author without academic degree (Arial 14 letters are bolded), institutional affiliation authors, and e-mail (Arial 8, distance 1 space).
4. Institutional affiliate authors follow the place where the activity is concerned.
5. Author's name and author's order (if more than one writer) is based on the magnitude of contributions and participation in the implementation of research and report writing, and all authors are responsible for the contents of the manuscript.
1. Abstracts are written in a concise and factual manner, covering research objectives, research methods, results and sympulsion.
2. Abstract written in English and Bahasa Indonesia, the abstract be strictly within 250 words in one paragraph, the letter Arial 12.
1. Keywords consist of 3 – 5 words and/or group of words.
2. Italic typed words, between the keywords separated by a semicolon (;)
1. The introduction is written using Arial 14 font, spacing to 1.5 space and in bold. The introductory contents are written using a 12 Arial font, straight margin.
2. The introduction should contain research background, related studies ever, hope that is wanted to be achieved from the writings, scientific benefits and novelty of writing and the purpose of writing and methods of research. Generally the introduction is not too extensive, about 2 pages or a maximum of 20% of the total writing;
1. The research methodology describes how researchers do research, data collection techniques, who are subjects or objects of research, and anything else related to research methods
Results And Discussion
1. Results and discussions were written using Arial 14, spacing to 1.5 space and in bold. The contents of the results and discussion are written using 12 Arial font, straight margin.
2. The serving in the results and the discussion is written in a clear and concise manner containing findings of the results, the difference between the results or research findings with previous writings from other researchers; The discussion contains descriptions and analyses of the research results.
3. Results and discussions can be combined appropriately or can use small subtitles according to the needs of the discussion.
4. Simplify tables and use open tables, and map images are more focused on the researched objects and not too large the file size as well as complicated (attempted in JPG format); Tables and images are numbered. Example of table writing: Table 3.
5. Reference source quoting technique using Bodynote, in APA Style format. More see examples in the technical terms of the quoting mechanism.
1. The conclusion is written using a arial 12 font, spacing of 1.5 space.
2. The conclusion contains a conclusion that answers the purpose of writing the script, scientific development in accordance with the research area. Its usefulness for publication in journals and the possible implementation or development of research. Also write down suggestions for further research.
1. Reference is written using a Arial 12 font, spacing to 1.0 space and in bold.
2. The literature included in the reference contains only the sources referenced or cited in the manuscript.
3. The reference source referenced in the script should refer to one or more of the scientific journal Manuscripts
4. The writing techniques of the bibliography, using the APA Style citation system
5. Example format of the list:
Yuliaty, Kinkin, Wina Puspitasari dan Dini Safitri. 2013. Pengantar Komunikasi Bisnis. Jakarta: Ulinnuha Press.
Journal articles
Safitri, Dini, Sasa Djuarsa Sendjadja, Ibnu Hamad. 2016. " Islam Nusantara Discourse In New Media" in Advanced
Science Letter 22 (9): 2179-2183
Safitri, Dini. 2017. Implementation Of Campaign Strategy For National Non Cash Movement From Bank Of
Indonesia. Advances In Social Science, Educations and Humanities Reseach, Proceedings 3rd International
Conference On Transformation in Communications 2017: 13-17. Atlantis Press
Safitri, Dini. 2016. Kontentasi Retorika Islam Nusantara Di Kalangan Elit Intelektual NU DAN HTI (Analisis
Retorika dan Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Islam Nusantara pada Web Resmi NU dan HTI). Disertasi, S3 Ilmu
Komunikasi, Universitas Indonesia
Electronic resources
Safitri, Dini. 2017. Representasi Perempuan Dalam Om Telat Om, accessed 30 January 2018, from