• Halida Halida PG-PAUD FKIP UNTAN
Keywords: The concept of self, rational thinking, program Early Childhood Education


The general objective of this study was to obtain information about the concept of self-Student Program Early Childhood Education FKIP UNTAN. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are indirect communication techniques by using a questionnaire (questionnaire). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics percentage. Based on the analysis of questionnaires on self-concept of early childhood education students can be described as follows: (1) Be Objective In Yourself, 72.50% obtained results with either category, (2) Respect Yourself, results obtained 65.62% with either category, (3) Not hostile Yourself, 69.37% obtained results with both categories; (4) Rational Thinking, the results obtained 78.12% with very good category. Based on the findings it can be concluded that: (1) Was able to assess themselves objectively, (2) Can respect himself, (3) Did not antagonize the aspects themselves well categorized. This shows that they are always optimistic when facing a failure, and not feeling sorry for themselves or even blame themselves which can result from frustration; (4) Has a way of rational thinking. This shows that they are not susceptible to things that are less accountable.

How to Cite
Halida, H. (2014). ANALISIS KONSEP DIRI MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PG-PAUD. JIV-Jurnal Ilmiah Visi, 9(2), 93 - 99.