Application of the asicc learning model in human physiological system to improve students' critical thinking and creative thinking skills
ASICC learning model, Creative thinking skills, Critical thinking skillsAbstract
Critical thinking and creative thinking skills are needed to improve the quality and competitive human resources. Therefore, the application of appropriate learning models is expected to stimulate students' critical thinking and creative thinking skills. This research aims to improve critical thinking and creative thinking skill scores using the ASICC learning model. This type of research is classroom action research which is carried out in 2 cycles, with 3 meetings in each cycle. Data on students' critical thinking and creative thinking skills were collected using essay tests on science learning materials. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the N-gain scores in cycle 1 and cycle 2 for students' critical thinking and creative thinking skills. The results of the research revealed that there was an increase that occurred in cycle 2, namely 5.6% in the aspects of moderate critical thinking skills and high creative thinking, as well as in the aspects of critical thinking skills and high creative thinking by 5.6%. Meanwhile, in the previous cycle, these two aspects did not have a high category. Another result found from this research is that students who have low critical thinking skills do not necessarily have low creative thinking skills. This is because students who have low critical thinking skills may have moderate creative thinking skills or vice versa. Thus, the application of the ASICC learning model is effective in improving the scores of critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills of students at Junior High School 5 Kertosono.
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