Pola Komunikasi Feminisme Dalam Video Najwa Shihab dan Agnes Monica


  • Muhammad Munir Dosen STAI Al-Azhar
  • Dimas Ayu Pamukir UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya




Communication Pattern; Femenism; Patriarchy


Women have received a lot of discrimination both in the economic, political, social, SARA, women can only be considered to be able to guide the household. Women still do not get an equality as a woman, energy and workload of a woman has not received appreciation and respect, but instead gets discrimination against women continuously. This study aims to explain the communication patterns of femenism that the community considers that men must be leaders while women can only be housewives in charge of serving their husband and wife. In research on feminism communication patterns, researchers use content analysis methods that are focused on a content, this method is used to represent a concept, character or sentences that are hidden and contain broad meanings, using data collection methods: coding on content that is considered important in the video intended in this study. The content taken to be used as a study is the narrative video of Najwa Shihab and Agnes Monica. Considering that the video tells a role, a pattern of communication phenenism in the social environment. While in the analysis of data researchers will analyze, explore data, display and validate data. the results in this study are the Pattern of Communication of Feminism and Patriarchy in the world of work, the Culture of Patriarchy in Indonesia, the Role of Femenism, the Suppression of Phenemism, the Communication Pattern of Fellow Phememism.


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How to Cite

Munir, M., & Ayu Pamukir, D. . (2021). Pola Komunikasi Feminisme Dalam Video Najwa Shihab dan Agnes Monica. Communications, 3(1), 87–107. https://doi.org/10.21009/Communications.4.1.5