Theory-Based Mandarin Learning Anthropolinguistics in Indonesia


  • David Darwin Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Zainal Rafli Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Ninuk Lustyantie Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Language Learning, Anthropolinguistic Theory, Mandarin Languange


Language is the most important element to explore the deepest consciousness contained in a culture. Some Mandarin learning is still lacking in exploring the culture. If we learn a language not only in theoretical learning, but it is also important to learn the culture of the language because these two things can not be separated so that both go hand in hand. All that is contained in a language certainly contains the culture of origin of the language, on the contrary, culture is one of the forming elements of language. One of the scientific trends of macrolinguistics in studying the issue of Mandarin learning in Indonesia is anthropolinguistics. In anthropolinguistics it is the result of the integration between the sciences of culture and language. Anthropolinguistics has three theories: performance, indexicality, and certainty. This article examines how anthropolinguistic theory plays a role in Chinese language learning. The research method used by researchers in this study is a qualitative approach that is presented descriptively with articles and books that have relevance to the discussion. The research design uses the systematic literature review method with the analysis step starting with identifying, evaluating, and interpreting all relevant research results related to anthropolinguistic phenomena in learning Mandarin in Indonesia. Then the library results are processed systematically, objectively, and comprehensively. Based on the literature review with anthropolinguistic theory that has been done, it can be concluded that learning Mandarin in anthropolinguistics should consist of grammatical, communicative and pragmatic competencies and language skills.

Author Biographies

David Darwin, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Student at Doctor of Applied Linguistics Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Zainal Rafli, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Ninuk Lustyantie, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Jakarta


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How to Cite

Darwin, D., Rafli, Z., & Lustyantie, N. (2023). Theory-Based Mandarin Learning Anthropolinguistics in Indonesia. IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review), 9(1), 11–21.