economic empowerment, groups, women, community service, tanjung lebanAbstract
Dodol Nenas became the superior commodity of Tanjung Leban Bengkalis. It is done by women's groups and the product is in demand by the community. However, there have not been many efforts to develop dodol nenas, especially with online marketing. This devotion seeks to encourage the development of dodol nenas with a wider market reach. We apply the Participatory Rural Appraisal method in carrying out devotion, obervasi, in-depth interviews as well as hands-on practice. The materials we present are related to packaging design, licensing, marketing, and digital literacy. Successfully implementing attractive and modern product packaging, digital literacy is able to provide women's understanding of product marketing, procedures and ethics, online marketing for now is still limited through Facebook and other social media, while marketing through wider marketplaces such as shopee, tokopedia, lazada, and the like cannot be done because of licensing constraints. The devotional activities also revealed the need for cooperation, coordination and direct communication between stakeholders, especially regarding the licensing process of dodol nenas products in order to penetrate much broader marketing
Dodol Nenas menjadi komoditas unggulan Desa Tanjung Leban Bengkalis. Dikerjakan oleh kelompok perempuan dan produk tersebut diminati oleh masyarakat. Namun, belum banyak dilakukan usaha pengembangan dodol nenas terutama dengan pemasaran online. Pengabdian ini berupaya mendorong pengembangan dodol nenas dengan jangkauan pasar yang lebih luas. Kami menerapkan metode Participatory Rural Appraisal dalam melaksanakan pengabdian, obervasi, wawancara mendalam serta praktik langsung. Materi yang kami sajikan terkait desain kemasan, perizinan, pemasaran, dan literasi digital. Pengabdian berhasil menerapkan kemasan produk menarik dan modern, literasi digital mampu memberikan pemahaman perempuan tentang pemasaran produk, prosedur serta etika, pemasaran online untuk saat ini masih dilakukan terbatas melalui facebook dan media sosial lain, sementara pemasaran melalui marketplace yang lebih luas seperti shopee, tokopedia, lazada, dan sejenisnya belum dapat dilakukan karena terkendala perizinan. Kegiatan pengabdian juga mengungkap diperlukan kerjasama, koordinasi dan komunikasi searah antar stakeholder terutama mengenai proses perizinan produk dodol nenas agar dapat menembus pemasaran yang jauh lebih luas.