
  • Muhammad Zid Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Ode Sofyan Hardi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Shendy Septama Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Mapping Tourism Potential, Cisaat Village, Disaster Risk Reduction



Cisaat is  a village located in the district of Ciater, Subang, West Java, Indonesia. The Cisaat Village  area includes 4 hamlets, 6 RW, and 28 RTs. Cisaat is a village with a natural panorama that is still beautiful and beautiful and rich in a variety of traditional arts and culture that makes it an aikon in itself. In Village C, there are agro-tourism objects in the form of pineapple and strwaberry gardens that offer the sensation of picking their own fruit,  as well as several other tourist attractions. However, Cisaat Village also has the potential for disasters, one of which is hydrometeorological disasters. Residents of Cisaat Village must be able to recognize the potential disaster, so that they can anticipate if a disaster occurs. One of the forms of recognition of this potential is carried out through participatory mapping, where the map making involves the community in identifying potential disasters in Cisaat Village. The purpose of this activity includes mapping tourism potential and making location information in Cisaat Village. The method used in this activity is socialization through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to produce tourism potential and potential disasters in Cisaat Village.  Based on the results of guided discussions conducted together with government officials, Karang Taruna Cisaat Village produced a map of the distribution of tourism potential in Cisaat Village.



Cisaat merupakan desa yang terletak di kecamatan Ciater, Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Wilayah Desa Cisaat meliputi 4 dusun, 6 RW, dan 28 RT. Cisaat merupakan desa dengan panorama alam yang masih asri dan indah dan kaya akan ragam seni dan budaya tradisional yang menjadikannya satu aikon tersendiri. Di Desa Cisaat terdapat objek agrowisata berupa kebun nanas dan strwaberry yang menawarkan sensasi petik buah sendiri, serta beberapa objek wisata lainnya. Namun Desa Cisaat juga memiliki potensi bencana, salah satunya ialah bencana hidrometeorologi. Penduduk Desa Cisaat harus dapat mengenali potensi bencana tersebut, agar mereka dapat mengantisipasi apabila terjadi bencana. Bentuk pengenalan potensi tersebut salah satunya dilakunya melalui pemetaan partisipatif, dimana pembuatan petanya melibatkan masyarakat dalam mengidentifikasi potensi bencana yang terdapat di Desa Cisaat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini diantaranya melakukan pemetaan potensi wisata dan membuat informasi lokasi di Desa Cisaat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk menghasilkan potensi wisata dan potensi bencana yang terdapat di Desa Cisaat. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi terbimbing yang dilakukan bersama dengan aparat pemerintah, Karang Taruna Desa Cisaat dihasilkan peta sebaran potensi wisata yang terdapat di Desa Cisaat.





How to Cite

Zid, M., Sofyan Hardi, O., & Septama, S. (2022). PENGURANGAN RISIKO BENCANA MELALUI PEMETAAN PARTISIPATIF DI DESA WISATA CISAAT KECAMATAN CIATER KABUPATEN SUBANG. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3(1), SNPPM2022P-119 - SNPPM2022P-127. Retrieved from

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