sway, Liveworksheet, Assistance, Innovative, Pendampingan, InovatifAbstract
Teachers in Sumber Marga Telang are still faced with difficulties in choosing platforms, developing appropriate media in making teaching materials, and developing evaluation tools according to the needs of their students. This community service activity is carried out to broaden horizons and improve teachers' abilities in developing innovative digital-based learning media by utilizing the Sway and Liveworksheet applications. The platform was chosen with the consideration that it is easy to access, has a simple and easy-to-understand display, has features that are able to accommodate the needs of educators and has free options. The training activity begins with a pretest to see the initial knowledge of the trainees. Furthermore, observations were made in the form of questions and answers with the participants which were then followed by the delivery of material about the theory of media development by the speakers. Furthermore, participants did hands-on practice with the facilitator from the community service team to develop sway and liveworksheet-based media. The results of the Pre Test showed that the average participants' initial knowledge was 52, then there was an increase in knowledge in both theoretical and practical aspects to 76.3 after the training was given.
Guru-guru di Kecamatan Sumber Marga Telang masih dihadapkan pada kesulitan dalam memilih platform, mengembangkan media yang tepat dalam membuat bahan ajar, serta mengembangkan alat evaluasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didiknya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilaksanakan untuk membuka wawasan serta meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran inovatif berbasis digital dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi Sway dan Liveworksheet. Platform tersebut dipilih dengan pertimbangan mudah diakses, tampilan sederhana dan mudah dipahami, memiliki fitur yang mampu mengakomodasi kebutuhan tenaga pendidik dan adanya pilihan tidak berbayar. Kegiatan pelatihan diawali dengan pretest untuk melihat pengetahuan awal peserta pelatihan. Selanjutnya dilakukan observasi berupa tanya jawab dengan peserta yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyampaian materi tentang teori pengembangan media oleh narasumber. Selanjutnya, peserta melakukan praktek langsung dengan fasilitator dari tim pengabdian untuk mengembangkan media berbasis sway dan liveworksheet. Hasil Pre Test menunjukkan rata-rata pengetahuan awal peserta adalah 52, kemudian terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dalam aspek teori dan praktek menjadi 76.3 setelah pelatihan diberikan.