Digital Scrapbook for Learning Recount Text in Junior High School


  • Audy Salsabillah Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Ilza Mayuni Universitas Negeri Jakarta



content analysis, digital scrapbook, recount text


This study aimed to see the relevance of the contents of digital scrapbooks published by Kate Hadfield  Designs with the Curriculum 2013 to learn recount text in Junior High School. The research data were the  sentences which were stated in twenty digital scrapbooks from the Kate Hadfield Designs website and Pinterest of Kate Hadfield Designs. The generic structure analysis proved that all the elements implemented in the text are well structured. The majority of the texts of digital  scrapbooks have been written in the form of a language feature of recount text stated by experts.  Nevertheless, the researcher still found several language features missing from some of the texts. For the  social function, all the digital scrapbooks were in line with the Curriculum 2013. Furthermore, it could be  concluded that the digital scrapbooks analyzed in this research accomplished the necessity of adequate  recount text and was relevant with the Curriculum 2013.


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