antecedents, transactions, outcomesAbstract
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengumpulkan informasi berkenaan dengan evaluasi kualitas pembelajaran bahasa di SMA. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei deskriptif dan evaluative denganmodel evaluasi countenance stake (antecedents, transactions, dan outcomes) dengan jumlah responden 80. Data diperoleh menggunakan angket dan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis statistik. Hasil penelitian yaita^4ntecendents atau persiapan pembelajaran bahasa. Frekuensi responden yang memilih kata Selalu 36,5 % atau 175 Frekuensi, kata sering 20,4 % atau 98 Frekuensi, kata kadang-kiadang 27,7% atau 133 Frekuensi, jarang 45 frekuensi atau 9,4% dan tidak pernah 29 Frekuensi atau 6.0 % dengan total frekuensi 480. Transaction atau proses berlangsung pembelajaran bahasa .Frekuensi responden yang memilih kata Selalu 42,7 % atau 546 Frekuensi, kata Sering 19.9 % atau 255 Frekuensi, kata Kadang-kcadang 179% atau 229 Frekuensi, Jarang 10,5 % atau 134 frekuensi dan Tidak pernah 9.1% atau 116 Frekuensi dengan total frekuensi 1280. Outcomes/guru bahasa menutup pembelajaran. Frekuensi responden yang memilih kata Selalu 48.0 % atau 307 Frekuensi, kata Sering 24,4 % atau 156 Frekuensi, kata KadangTiadang 18.1% atau 24,4 Frekuensi', kata Jarang 5,9 % atau 38 frekuensi dan Tidak pernah 3,6.% atau 23 Frekuensi dengan total frekuensi 640' hasil analisis evaluasi countenance stake disimpulkan bahwa evaluasi kualitas pembelajaran bahasa mulai dari persiapan pembelajaran, keberlangsungan kegiatan inti dan menutup pembelajaran yaitu diperoleh data statistic rata-rata 430 frekuensi atau 30,5% dari total 1410 frekuensi dari responden yang menyatakan/memilih selalu mengerjakan tiga fase dalam pembelajaran bahasa (Indonesia, Inggris dan Asing) artinya guru bahasa masih perlu meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan mengajar melalui pelatihan pembelajaran, kebiasaan pnlaku positif, integritas, komitmen dalam menjalan kewajiban sebagai guru bahasa yang professional yang berdampak pada kualitas pencapaian hasil belajar bahasa.
Kata Kunci: antecedents, transactions, dan outcomes
The research objective obtained information with regard to the evaluation of the quality of language learning in high school that focused on three indicators of language learning were the preparation before the core of learning, the learning process of learning takes place and when it closed. The approach used in this research was descriptive and evaluative survey. The method used was program evaluation. Model evaluation model used countenance stake (antecedents, transactions, and outcomes) by the number of respondents 80. The data were obtained using a questionnaire and data processing using statistical analysis. The research results concluded that, Antecedents or preparation of language learning. Frequency of respondents who has chosen the word was always 36.5% or 175 frequency, often said 20.4% or 98 frequency, said sometimes 27.7% or 135 frequency, a frequency rarely 45 or 9.4% and never 29 Frequeny or 6.0% with a totalfrequency 480. Transaction or the process of language learning The frequeny of respondents who has chosen the word was always 42.7% or 546frequeny, said Often 19.9% or 255frequeny, said sometimes 179% or 229 Frequeny, Sparse 10.5% or 134 frequeny and Never 9.1% or 116 frequeny with total frequeny 1280. Outcomes / teacher language learning closes. Frequeny of respondents who has chosen the word was always 48.0% or 307frequency, said Often 24.4% or 156 frequency, said Sometimes 18.1% or 24.4 Frequency ', said Rarely 5.9% or 38 frequencies and Never 3.6% or 23 frequencies with a totalfrequeny of 640. So based on the analysis results of stake countenance evaluation concluded that the evaluation of the quality of language learningfrom the lesson preparation, the continuity of core activities and close the learning that was obtained statistical data on average 430frequeny or 30.5% of the total in 1410 the frequeny of respondents who expressed three steps in learning language (Indonesian, English and foreign) language teachers means they need to improve teaching skills through training and learning, positive behavior habits, integrity, commitment to running the obligation as a professional language teachers who have an impact on the quality of language learning achievement.
Keywords: antecedents, transactions, and outcomes
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