Analysis Of Job Training At Pt Patra Jasa
Job Training, Analysis of Job Training, SOPsAbstract
This research was conducted at PT Patra Jasa, which aims to find out whether the job training program for PT Patra Jasa employees has been carried out routinely and optimally. The method used in this research is qualitative with data collection methods of observation, interviews and documentation. Researchers conduct research objectively on the subjective reality being studied.
The purpose of this research is to find out the job training SOP, find out the job training process, and find out the obstacles and challenges faced by PT Patra Jasa.
The results obtained in this research state that job training at PT Patra Jasa Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) has been well structured and implemented to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency and consistency of job training. The SOP includes various steps such as identifying and reviewing competency standards, creating a competency matrix, training, training needs analysis or TNA (Training Need Analysis), as well as evaluating the effectiveness and impact of training. The training process at PT Patra Jasa goes through several stages, such as identifying needs through data analysis, surveys and interviews, training planning, training implementation, and evaluating results. Needs identification is carried out through data analysis, surveys and interviews to determine the training needs of each division. However, job training faces obstacles and challenges such as difficulties in determining implementation schedules due to the large number of training requests, limited facilities and budget, as well as implementation that is less effective if carried out online or not attended by employees because they cannot leave their work. To overcome these obstacles and challenges, a strategic approach is needed that involves careful planning, adequate resource allocation, and adapting training programs according to the company's specific needs and situations. Additionally, involving employees in the planning process can increase training participation and effectiveness.
Keyword: Job Training, SOPs, Training Challenges
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