(Studi Kasus di Kelompok Bermain (KB) Gaharu Plus Kutai Kartanegara)


  • Tri Widayati BP PAUD & Dikmas Kalimantan Timur; Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 41 Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75242



self-safety, early childhood, hazards


The background of this study is the frequent occurrence of early childhood accidents. Children as objects of protection need to be equipped with knowledge and attitudes and behaviors related to their safety. One way to avoid early childhood hazards is to increase their understanding of hazards and ways to overcome hazards through personal safety education. The study aimed to describe the implementation of early childhood self-education education and find out the results of the assessment in the Gaharu Plus KB. This research is a case study with a qualitative exploratory approach. This research was conducted from July to September 2018 involving all children (63 people). The results showed that the method of self-safety education in KB Gaharu Plus was PAUD Watching method. This method is the result of the development of the model at BP PAUD & Dikmas East Kalimantan. The stages include learning hazards, hazard surveys, hazard maps and ways to avoid hazards. Children can attend the process of self-education education. However, there were still 18.60% of new children began to develop in telling the results of the description related to potential hazards. Personal safety education in KB Gaharu Plus can improve children’s understanding of hazards and how to avoid them. 



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How to Cite

Widayati, T. (2018). PENDIDIKAN KESELAMATAN DIRI ANAK USIA DINI: (Studi Kasus di Kelompok Bermain (KB) Gaharu Plus Kutai Kartanegara). JIV-Jurnal Ilmiah Visi, 13(2), 113–122.