Pengembangan Soft Skills Siswa Melalui Pendekatan Social-Emotional Learning (Sel) Pada Materi Senyawa Hidrokarbon Dan Turunannya
his research is a classroom action research conducted in class XI of 2nd Electrical Engineering
Program at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Jakarta in the second semester of the academic year 2015 /
2016. The research focuses on developing soft skills with social-emotional learning approaches on the
material hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives. Soft skills development through its core
competencies SEL includes Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, Relationship
Management, Responsible Decision Making. Think Write Pair Share Method (TWPS) is used to
integrate SEL on chemistry learning. The techniques of data collection for soft skills development
conducted through Social-Emotional Learning Survey (SELS) questionnaires, which has been developed
under the SEL rubric that has been validated, reflective journals, observation and interviews. Internal
validation (credibility) was conducted to test the accuracy of the research data, including prolonged engagement, persistent observation, progressive subjectivity and member
checking. The data analysis concluded that there was development soft skills of students who can be
seen from the indicator (1) Work Confidence; (2) Persistence; (3) Organisation; (4) Resilence; (5)
Relationship Management; (6) Social Awareness; (7) Responsible Decision Making; (8) Concept
Training Students; (9) The task of the Project. The results of this study have provided learning
experiences and new perceptions towards learning chemistry. But the application of Social-Emotional
Learning approach will be more quality if it received support from several parties, such as policy
makers, schools and parents.