Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024): SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 9 Issue 3, December 2024

SPEKTRA Volume 9 issue 3 contains six papers: 1) Laser-Assisted Scattering with Screened Diatomic Potential, 2) Phase Dynamics in 3D Superconductors: Analysis Using the Sine-Gordon, 3) Application of Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Ground State Energies Calculation in Hydrogen and Helium Atomic Sequences, 4) Geochemical and Magnetic Suseptibility Analysis for Critical Minerals Detection in Igneous Rocks and Beach Sand, 5) Seismometer Health Diagnosis Based on Cross Spectral Density Coherence Method in Indonesia Seismic Networks, and 6) The Effects of Stellar Wind, Rotation Velocity, and Overshoot Parameters on The Evolution of Massive Stars using MESA: Case Study of MPG 324, MPG 355, MPG 682.
The articles in this issue from 4 countries: Indonesia, Nepal, New Zealand, and Malaysia. We are grateful for all the contributions of the authors. We also appreciate the professional reviewers who are an essential part of this issue.