Focus and Scope

Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini publishes articles on current issues and trends that occur nationally and internationally from the results of research studies and analysis related to early childhood education.

Topics cover the following areas (but are not limited to):

  • Policy In Early Childhood Education Practices
  • Moral development and religious values
  • Physical motor development
  • Social emotional development
  • Cognitive development
  • Language development
  • Art and creativity development
  • Early childhood care and parenting
  • PAUD institution management
  • Early Childhood Development Assessment
  • Child development psychology
  • Child empowerment
  • Learning in Strategies Early Childhood Education
  • Educational aids in Early Childhood Education
  • Learning media in Early Childhood Education
  • Curriculum Early Childhood Education
  • PAUD educator development
  • Innovation in  Early Childhood Education
  • Various fields related to Early Childhood Education.