Manuscript Template


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Abstract: Abstracts are written in two languages: Indonesian and English, typed with 1 space in 1 paragraph of 150-250 words, containing background of problem, problem, research purpose, research method, place and time of research, result and suggestion. Abstract does not contain statistical formula. Keywords contain at least words that contain important concepts and are written under each abstract. Abstracts in Bahasa Indonesia are written in upright letters whereas English abstracts are written with a slant without bold. research subjects, such as objectives, methods and research results.

Keywords: abstract, tittle, topic, researches, introduction


Abstract: Abstract should be written in both English and Indonesian in a single paragraph, 120-150 words, highlighting the key messages from the research like research goals, methods, and findings and shows how the paper contributes to the field of education as a whole. Key words: should be written under the abstract in bold italics and should reflect the substance of the paper as also mentioned in the title. Format of the writing of abstract and key words, as well as the body of the article must follow this template.

Keywords: abstract, bold, italic, maximum five words, template


Introduction contains background and problem formulation, research benefits, and literature review / theory without using subheads. Writing Jurnal Ilmiah VISI PTK-PNF must follow the scientific rules of both the use of terms and vocabularies that follow the Improved Spelling as well as writing rules such as letter type, font size, layout, number of words in one article, systematics of writing, and the writing of references.

The writing of each paragraph is written by jutting into one tab. Not allowed in a single column of writing using only one paragraph. All posts are made into two columns including references.

Typing using Microsoft Word software with A4 paper size, left, right, top and bottom paper margins using normal options. Spacing between lines of writing using 1.5 spaces. The type of letters used is Arial size 10 point. The length of manuscripts ranging from 4000 to 10,000 words does not include bibliography in the form of soft copy.

Systematic writing consists of the introduction, research methods, results, discussion and cover (in which there are conclusions and suggestions). The introductory section is written approximately 20% of the entire article page. The research method is written as approximately 10% of the entire article pages. Results and discussion are written as much as 65% of the entire article pages. Concluding remarks and suggestions are briefly written (about 5% of the entire article page).

The references is written in accordance with the rules issued by the American Psychological Association (APA).


The research method consists of type, place and time, and research procedure. The research procedure consists of data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. The common statistical formulas should not be written. Include a reference source for the method used.


Results include qualitative and / or quantitative results / data from the research process. This section can also load tables and / or images.

The tables are numbered sequentially and given the title briefly, placed above the table and typed in capital letters at the beginning of each word. Images, including graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, photographs, or sketches are numbered sequentially with annotations and placed under the image.

Notice that the table does not contain vertical lines (upright) and horizontal (flat) lines are only in the head and tail of the table. Table size font size may be minimized.

The following is an example of writing tables and drawings.

Discussion of research results contains interpretation and analysis of research results. In the discussion can be included reference research results in the journal to strengthen research findings and compare the results obtained research.

The reference writing in the article and bibliography is based on the rules issued by the American Psychological Association (APA).


The concluding remarks and suggestions are the short answers to the research question. Conclusions and suggestions are written by not using numbering but entering into paragraphs. If numbering is required, numbering is done in the form of word description eg first, second, and so on.


The references is sorted according to the alphabet. The bibliography contains only referenced sources, and all referenced sources must be listed in the referral list. Referral sources of at least 80% of the literature published last 10 years.

Number of referenced libraries for research results of at least 10 libraries and for the results of the study of at least 25 libraries. Examples of writing a bibliography are structured in the following manner, sorted alphabetically and chronologically:

Januszewski, A.,& Molenda, M. (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary. New York: Routledge.

Newby, T. J., (2010). Educational technology for teaching and learning (4th ed). London: Pearson

Elektronic book:
Niemann, S., Greenstein, D., & David, D. (2004). Helping children who are deaf: Family and community support for children who do not hear well. Diakses dari

Book collection of articles:
Saukah, A. & Waseso, M.G. (Eds.). (2002). Menulis artikel untuk jurnal ilmiah (edisi ke-4, cetakan ke-1). Malang: UM Press.

Articles in a collection of articles:
Russel, T. (1998). An alternative conception: representing representation. Dalam P.J. Black & A. Lucas (Eds.), Children's Informal Ideas in Science (hlm. 62-84). London: Routledge.

Articles in journals or magazines:
Sadid, A. (2014). Model desa terpadu PAUDNI mewujudkan masyarakat pembelajar sepanjang hayat. Jurnal VISI PPTK-PAUDNI, 9 (1), 56-67.

Articles in electronic newspapers:
Maruli, A. (November, 2013). Pemerintah alokasikan Rp 2,40 triliun untuk paud nonformal dan informal. Diakses dari pada tanggal 10 Desember 2013.

Newspaper / news in newspaper (without author name):
Wanita kelas bawah lebih mandiri. (2010, 22 April). Kompas, p. 3

Official document:
Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. (1978). Pedoman penulisan laporan penelitian. Jakarta: Depdikbud.

Undang-undang Nomor 20 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. (2003). Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya.

Books of translation:
Zainu, M. (2010). Solusi pendidikan anak masa kini. (Syarif Hade, penterjemah). Jakarta: Mustaqiim

Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report:
Septiani, M. (2015). Pengalaman pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat dalam memfasilitasi masyarakat Jakarta Utara belajar sepanjang hayat: Sebuah studi fenomenologi di Jakarta Utara. Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Jakarta: PPS UNJ.

Internet (article in online journals):
Johns, E., & Mewhort, D. (2009). Test sequence priming in recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 35, 1162-1174. doi: 10.1037/a0016372