Current Issue

Vol 37 No 2 (2023): Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan

The latest issue of the journal presents a series of in-depth and diverse articles, delving into various aspects of innovation in education. From the utilization of advanced learning management systems to the development of creative applications for students, each article provides a unique perspective on how new technologies and strategies can be integrated into dynamic learning environments.

The research presented highlights the importance of adaptation and evolution in teaching methods, focusing on teacher professional development and improvement of student learning outcomes. Through case analysis, theoretical exploration, and empirical study, this edition offers insights into self-paced curriculum implementation, interactive learning application design, and the use of digital media as educational support tools.

With a multidisciplinary approach, the journal aims to facilitate rich and forward-looking discussions on the future of education, preparing educators and students for the challenges and opportunities to come. These articles are not only relevant to education practitioners but also to researchers, policymakers, and all interested parties in the evolution of education.

Published: 2023-11-01


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