Jalan Menuju Tuhan: Revitalisasi dan Interpretasi Makna atas Penciptaan Karya Tari Shirath Nan Tersirat


  • Romi Nursyam Seni Tari UNJ
  • Abdul Fadhil Universitas Negeri Jakarta




Tari Islam, tari shirath, revitalization, road to God, interpretasi


This article is an elaboration of the creation of Sirat Nan Tersirat dance which is the result  of  a  revitalization  of  the  cultural  phenomenon  of  Paninggahan  people  who still  believe  in  mystical  matters  that  is  known  to  contradict  the  Islamic  creed, namely  to  ask  the  gods  or  jin  by  glorifying  a  place  in  Nagari  Paninggahan. The purpose  of  this  work  is  to  express  a  work  of  dance  depicting  human  characters entering  the  unseen  world  and  to  create  a  work  of  dance  that  reflects  the  human character  who  wants  to  meet  his  Lord  (Allah  SWT).  The  creation  of  this  dance  is inspired by the story in the origin of the Adok dance in Nagari Paninggahan when a king  (Rajo  Bagombak  Bagalang  Leg,  the  descendant  of  Pagaruyuang's  king)  is possessed when hearing  the voice of the singing  of the gods. The writing uses two approaches, namely the scienceof dance and Islamic approaches. The choreographer gives reinterpretation, i.e. not a god or jinn that enters the human realm but the man who enters the realm of the jinn. In the process of creating, it tries to reinterpret the Adok  dance  in  accordance  with  the  teachings  of  Islam  and  the  main  theme  is  the road to God (Sirat).


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How to Cite

Nursyam, R., & Fadhil, A. (2018). Jalan Menuju Tuhan: Revitalisasi dan Interpretasi Makna atas Penciptaan Karya Tari Shirath Nan Tersirat. Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies, 2(1), 81–102. https://doi.org/10.21009/hayula.002.1.06