• Widayati Widayati PAUD PPs Univeristas Negeri Jakarta


This research was determinate to describe about male teacher in early childhood
education. This research was do in the TK Bahrul Maghfiroh Malang. This research is qualitative
research with case study methode. Data analysis used Miles and Hubberman. Research data from
observation, interview and documentasion. The result of this research show up about:1)The
impact of male teachers for early childhood education, 2) Bahrul Maghfiroh institutions give
consideration role of male teachers, 3) The process of learning the role of male teachers, 4)Public
perceptions of male teachers. The role of male teachers have an impact on children's dress,
emotional resilience, children's early understanding ofgender roles, the formation ofplay groups
and play groups election. Bahrul Maghfiroh foundation as a boarding school is a major
consideration institute son his role in male teachers. Curriculum implemented in kindergartens
Bahrul Maghfiroh refers curriculum education office. learners are dominated by men. Learning
methods are used storytelling, assignment method, field trips and debriefing. Utilizing
instructional media used items available in schools. Approach to the children of male teachers
need a figure of female teachers. Public perception of the role of male teachers who teach in
kindergarten is still negative.

How to Cite
Widayati, W. (2016). GURU LAKI-LAKI PADA PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 10(1), 185 - 200.