Web-Based Application to Measure Motoric Development of Early Childhood

  • Daviq Chairilsyah Universitas Riau



Parents and early childhood educators still find it difficult to find ways to self-identify children's motor development, there needs to be innovation that measures motoric development can be easily used by parents The purpose of this study is to identify indicators of motor development in early childhood, make measuring instruments, and create a web-based measurement application. This Research and Development methodology uses mix method data analysis. This research is located in Indonesia with a sample of 590 participants. The results of the study show that valid and reliable measurement instruments for motoric development from the results of testing as many as 97 indicators are considered high value. Applications made by Information Technology experts to produce a systematic performance measurement system, making it easier for users, teachers / parents who are famous to get the results of the examination quickly and accurately. The implications of research are expected to be able to build a measuring device with the application of technology that is more developed in aspects of child development in addition to motor development, to become a facility for assessing early childhood development that makes it easier for educators to use it.

Keywords: Early Childhood, Motoric Development, Web Based Application Instrument.


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How to Cite
Chairilsyah, D. (2019). Web-Based Application to Measure Motoric Development of Early Childhood. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 13(1), 1 - 14. https://doi.org/10.21009/10.21009/JPUD.131.01