Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling to Reduce Anxiety In Choosing A Department In High School Of High School Students, Is It Effective?

Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling , Anxiety, Student SMA

  • Bakhrudin All Habsy Universitas Darul Ulum, Indonesia
Keywords: Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling, Anxiety, Student SMA


Abstract: Fear of failure when choosing a major will lead to extreme anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, aggression and even suicidal tendencies. Choosing the right major will lead them to success in the future. But if they choose the wrong major, it will be a big scourge for them. Counseling Rational Emotive Behavior is to help individuals realize that they can live more rationally and more productively. The purpose of this study is that REB counseling is effective in reducing anxiety in choosing majors in higher education for high school students. The form of experimental research is one-group pre-test – post-test design by running a quantitative strategy. The research sample was 6 students. Collecting data using a questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the Rational Emotive Behavior counseling method to reduce anxiety was very effective in terms of the significant effect because the t-test calculation determined that Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling was -5.295 > 2.871 had a significant number of 0.003 < 0.05, and large decreased anxiety of class XII students with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Counseling by 37.91%.

Keywords: Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling , Anxiety, Student SMA

How to Cite
All Habsy, B. (2022). Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling to Reduce Anxiety In Choosing A Department In High School Of High School Students, Is It Effective?. Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan, 36(1), 19-25. https://doi.org/10.21009/PIP.361.3