• B. P. Sitepu Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: book industry, authorship, printing, publishing, distribution, marketing, book regulations


Printed materials such as books are still used as the main resources in instructional process in formal and non-formal education. Books are also used to disseminate many kinds of information for various purposes. The intellectual advancement of a nation can be measured from its book industry development. The book industry in Indonesia has a low product and can not compete against other countries even in the Southeast Asia. It faces a lot of obstacles in the aspects of manuscript provision, printing, publishing, distributing, and marketing. This article discusses the urgent need of book regulations to develop book industry in Indonesia. It believes that the appropriate book regulations followed by law enforcement will be able to stimulate the book industry development in Indonesia. Many problems concerning the authorship, publishing, printing, distribution, and marketing can be solved with national book regulations. 

How to Cite
Sitepu, B. P. (2011). URGENSI PENGATURAN PERBUKUAN NASIONAL. Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan, 23(XIV), 100 - 107. https://doi.org/10.21009/PIP.231.9