The Cognitive Style and Attachment on Early Childhood Speech Skills

  • Beryana Evridawati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Yufiarti Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Elindra Yetti Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Concurrently with the rapid development in digital society, the demand for communication skills was clear in childhood. Early childhood education needs to pay attention to children's speech skills development. This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive style and attachment on the ability to speak in early childhood speech development. The method used is a 2 x 2 factorial comparison design which is divided into two groups namely independent and dependent fields involving 138 samples. Re- search findings about differences in the ability to speak early childhood who have independent field cognitive style and children who have field dependent cognitive style in groups of children with high attachment obtained (A2B1), obtained Q count = 9.39 and Q table (0.05; 4: 10) = 4 , 33. 4). Differences in the ability to speak early childhood who have an independent field cognitive style and children who have a field dependent cognitive style in groups of children with low attachment obtained (A2B2), ob- tained Q count = 4.39 and Q table (0.05; 4: 10) = 4 , 33. It show that early children who have independent field cognitive style have higher speech skills scores than early children who have field dependent cog- nitive style while early children who are independent field cognitive style with low attachment have lower speech skills scores than early childhood the field dependent cognitive style with low attachment.

Keywords: Cognitive style and Attachment, Early Childhood, Speech Skills


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How to Cite
Evridawati, B., Yufiarti, & Yetti, E. (2020). The Cognitive Style and Attachment on Early Childhood Speech Skills. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 14(1), 32 - 49.

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