Gender Representation in The English Textbook Entitled “Stop Bullying Now” for SMA/ MA/ SMK/ MAK Grade XI


  • Zahra Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Sudarya Permana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Rika Andayani Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Gender representation, Textbook


Textbook have a significant role to build students' views and
perceptions of gender. Gender representation in teaching
materials can influence the way students understand the roles of
male and female in society. This research aims to analyze gender
representation in textbook using a quantitative approach and the
gender representation grid developed by Brugeilles and Cromer
(2009). The findings reveal a significant dominance of male
characters in the representation within the textbook. The number
of male characters presented is considerably higher than that of
female characters. Moreover, male characters tend to be
assigned roles that align with gender stereotypes prevailing in
patriarchal societies. This indicates an imbalance in gender
representation within the textbook. These findings carry
significant implications for creating inclusive and diverse
learning materials to ensure they reflect gender equality and
diversity within society. By understanding and recognizing this
imbalance, it is hoped that content developers will be motivated
to produce more representative and gender-sensitive materials.


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