Jurnal Sains Boga, published in Volume 7 Number Two, contains various topics related to the field of culinary arts and nutrition education. In this edition there are five research articles, namely regarding organizing family meals in Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya Regency, formulation of high iron shrimp meatball for anaemia prevention of teenage girls, differences in the substitution of sword bean (Canavalia ensiformis) flour in analog meatballs on preferred sensory quality and protein content, development of Bontang city typical white bread food products with the use of mackerel tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) Broth on white bread quality, and the acceptability of corn pudding with green beans as an alternative to PMT for toddlers.
Jurnal Sains Boga, published in Volume 7 Number One, contains various topics related to the field of culinary arts and nutrition education. In this edition there are five research articles, namely regarding the acceptability of biscotti products substituted for black sticky rice flour; Comparison of shelf life and sensory assessment of wet noodles with the addition of melinjo leaf extract (Gnetum gnemon L) as a natural preservative; Effect of substitution of almond flour with soybean flour on the physical properties and acceptability of marzipan; Acceptance of fudgy brownies substituted with carob powder; and Development of a Canva-based toddler nutrition e-module in applied nutrition courses.
Food Science Journal Vol 6 No 2, November 2023 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely acceptability of korean fish cake made from patin fish; development of wondershare filmora food photography learning media in Culinary Arts course at Universitas Negeri Medan; comparison of consumer acceptability of chicken nugget and oyster mushroom nugget processed with premix nugget flour; analysis of the use of canva learning media in food and beverage sanitation lectures in the Public Health Study Program, Univeristas Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi (2023); the effect of using yudane local flour on the quality of shokupan bread.
Food Science Journal Vol 6 No 1, May 2023 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely development of practical module in bakery courses at food science and culinary education study program; formulation & acceptance of tuile gaplek flour with butterfly pea flower extract as a natural colorant; the effect of substitution of kuniran fish meat meat (upeneus moluccensis) on the organoleptic properties of kastengel; the effect of adding kluwek paste in making crispy almonds on consumer acceptance.
Food Science Journal Vol 5 No 2 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely comparison of chemical, physical and sensory properties of cookies made from shellfish flour; the substitution of corn (Zea Mays L.) as an functional food in making Bakpao; the effect of comparison of red beans and tapioca starch in making red bean tempeh Chips (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) on consumer acceptability and physical proper, quality analysis of organic jam from Noni Fruit as a home-scale business product; and compare the sensory quality of chocolate mousses made from two kinds of chocolate, namely compound and couverture.
Pada jurnal sains boga terbitan Volume 5 Nomor 2 dua ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buah artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai komparasi sifat kimia, fisik dan sensoris cookies berbahan baku tepung cangkang kerang; substitusi Jagung (Zea Mays L.) dalam pembuatan Bakpao sebagai pangan fungsional; pengaruh perbandingan kacang merah dan tepung tapioka dalam pembuatan keripik tempe kacang merah (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) terhadap daya terima konsumen dan sifat; analisis kualitas selai organik dari buah mengkudu sebagai produk bisnis skala rumahan; dan perbedaan mutu sensoris chocolate mousse yang menggunakan cokelat compound dengan cokelat couverture.
Jurnal Sains Boga Vol 5 No 1 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely to Culinary Ndeso Blitar Kuto Little Sing Kawentar, factors affecting entrepreneurial interest in vocational high school students, to analyze the effect of adding flour slurry (umak) from mocaf flour to pempek dough on consumer acceptance, was to analyze the effect of substitution of beneng taro flour (xantoshoma undipes k. koch) on the quality of crackers made from tapioca starch, and the effect of substituting tofu waste flour in the production of dried Farfalle on consumers’ acceptance.
Pada Jurnal Sains Boga terbitan volume lima dengan nomor satu ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buah artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai Kuliner Ndeso Blitar Kuto Cilik Sing Kawentar, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat berwirausaha pada siswa SMK, menganalisis pengaruh penambahan bu untuk menganalisis pengaruh substitusi tepung talas beneng (xantoshoma undipes k. koch) terhadap kualitas kerupuk berbahan dasar pati tapioka bur tepung (umak) dari tepung mocaf pada adonan pempek terhadap daya terima konsumen, dan pengaruh substitusi tepung ampas tahu pada pembuatan pasta kering Farfalle terhadap daya terima konsumen.
Food Science Journal Vol 4 No 2 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely to the effect of the usage of liquid (UHT milk, fresh coconut milk, and instant coconut milk) on Macaroni Schotel on consumer acceptance; the effect of different brewing times (6, 12, 18 and 24 hours) by examining the organoleptic quality of cold brewed coffee from various quality aspects such as aroma, flavor, balance, aftertaste, acidity, sweetness, body and total dissolved solids; The effect of substitution of wheat flour with avocodo seed flour (persea americana mill) on the level of cookies liked; indentify the nutritional status and eating habits of adolescent athletes during the maintenance period of nutritional status; the effect of black rice flour substitution on white bread processing to consumer acceptance, covering aspects of external (volume and skin color), and aspects of internal (skin character, crumb color, flavor, taste and texture).
Pada jurnal sains boga terbitan volume empat dengan nomor dua ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buah artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai pengaruh penggunaan cairan (susu UHT, santan segar, dan santan instan) terhadap daya terima konsumen; pengaruh lama penyeduhan yang berbeda-beda (6, 12, 18 dan 24 jam) dengan menguji kualitas minuman kopi seduh dingin dari berbagai aspek kualitas seperti aroma, flavor, balance, aftertaste, acidity, sweetness, body dan jumlah padatan terlarut; pengaruh subtitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung biji alpukat (Persea Americana Mill) Terhadap Tingkat Kesukaan Cookies; identifikasi status gizi dan kebiasaan makan atlet usia remaja pada periode pemeliharaan status gizi; pengaruh substitusi tepung beras hitam pada pembuatan roti tawar terhadap daya terima konsumen yang meliputi aspek eksternal (volume dan warna kulit luar), aspek internal (remah / pori-pori, warna remah, aroma, rasa dan tekstur.
Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Sains Boga
Food Science Journal Vol 4 No 1 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely to the effect of the length of the time of final fermentation (final proofing) in making Japanese Milk Bread, the substitution of egg yolks with tofu in making Pukis cake, the effect of the application of the debate method on the activeness of students in the nutritional content of regulatory substances at SMKN 32 Jakarta, the effect of moringa leaf flour addition percentage in the making of cupcake to the acceptence of costumers, and the influence corn flour substitute on making semprit cookies with different percentages towards consumer acceptability.
Pada jurnal sains boga terbitan volume empat dengan nomor satu ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buah artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai pengaruh lama waktu fermentasi akhir (final proofing) terhadap kualitas japanese milk bread, subtitusi kuning telur dengan tahu dalam pembuatan kue pukis, pengaruh penerapan metode debat terhadap keaktifan peserta didik dalam materi zat gizi sumber zat pengatur di SMKN 32 Jakarta, pengaruh penambahan tepung daun kelor pada pembuatan cupcake terhadap daya terima konsumen, serta pengaruh substitusi tepung jagung (Zea Mays L.) pada pembuatan kue semprit terhadap daya terima konsumen.
Food Science Journal Vol 3 No 2 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely to the effect of glycerin in the making of marzipane substituted mung bean flour (Phaseolus radiatus L) consumer acceptance, the addition of angkak powder in the making of steamed sponge cake, the effect of canna starch substitutes (Canna Edulis Kerr) with the sensory quality of the tartlets skin senses, the effect of cooling technique in the making of tofu and fish menchi katsu to the acceptence of costumers, Sanitation Hygiene Training Model for Food Handlers.
Pada jurnal sains boga terbitan volume tiga dengan nomor satu ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buah artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai pengaruh penggunaan gliserin pada tepung marzipan instan substitusi tepung kacang hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L) terhadap daya terima konsumen, penambahan bubuk angkak pada pembuatan bolu kukus merekah, pengaruh substitusi pati ganyong (Canna Edulis Kerr) terhadap mutu sensoris tartlet, pengaruh teknik pendinginan pada pembuatan menchi katsu tahu ikan terhadap daya terima konsumen, serta model pelatihan hygiene sanitasi bagi penjamah makanan.
Food Science Journal Vol 3 No 1 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely the effect of types of rice to characteristics of rice flakes, the effectiveness of video learning media for making chiffon cakes for learning outcomes from D3 Food Catering students in continental pastry class, effect of the substitution of chicken feet on chicken sausage towards consumer’s acceptance, the effect of drying time on the quality of dried kweni mango butter cake, the influence of natural yeast sourdough with potato addition in toward sensory quality of soft roll bread.
Pada jurnal sains boga terbitan Volume 3 Nomor 1 ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buat artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai pengaruh jenis beras terhadap karakteristik flakes, efektivitas media video pembelajaran pembuatan chiffon cake terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa D3 Tata Boga pada mata kuliah kue kontinental, pengaruh substitusi ceker ayam pada pembuatan sosis ayam terhadap daya terima konsumen, pengaruh lama pengeringan terhadap kualitas butter cake mangga kweni kering, dan pengaruh penggunaan ragi alami sourdough dengan penambahan kentang pada pembuatan roti soft roll terhadap kualitas mutu sensoris.
The second volume edition with number 2, there are five articles on the results of research in the field of food and nutrition, namely the acceptability of jengkol crackers which are made using jengkol flour; the effect of various methods on the sensory quality of donuts; consumer acceptance of the kue simping with rebon shrimp flour; the characteristics of dry choux pastry with the addition of catfish; and the diet of children with malnutrition in Ciumbuleuit Cidadap Bandung.
Pada edisi volume kedua dengan nomor dua ini terdapat lima artikel hasil penelitian bidang boga dan gizi yaitu mengenai daya terima terhadap kerupuk jengkol yang dibuat penggunaan tepung jengkol; pengaruh berbagai metode pembuatan terhadap mutu sensoris donat, daya terima konsumen terhadap kue simping dengan tepung udang rebon; karakteristik sus kering dengan penambahan ikan patin; dan pola makan balita berstatus gizi kurang di Ciumbuleuit Cidadap Bandung.
The second volume with number one, contains various topics related to the field of culinary. In this edition, there are five research articles, three of which are related to consumer satisfaction with food and beverage products, namely knowledge of coffee beverage products on beverage selection decisions in coffee shops; quality of food on customer satisfaction of online motorcycle service users; and customer satisfaction at the campus food provider on the State University of Jakarta. Furthermore, there are two research articles in the field of food and nutrition, fiber content and consumer acceptance of pulverized catfish with adding galangal; and the development of special diet menu made from bitter melon for people with diabetes mellitus.
Jurnal Sains Boga volume kedua dengan nomor satu ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan bidang boga. Pada edisi ini terdapat lima artikel hasil penelitian dimana 3 diantaranya terkait dengan kepuasaan konsumen terhadap produk makana dan minuma yaitu pengetahuan tentang produk minuman kopi terhadap keputusan pemilihan minuman di coffee shop; kualitas makanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pengguna layanan pesan antar ojek online; dan kepuasan konsumen terhadap tempat penyedia makanan di kampus Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Selanjutnya terdapat dua artikel penelitian bidang boga dan gizi yaitu kajian tentang kandungan serat dan daya terima konsumen pada pembuatan dendeng patin lumat dengan penambahan lengkuas, serta tentang pengembangan menu diet khusus berbahan dasar pare bagi penderita diabetes melitus.
Food Science Journal Vol 1 No 2 contains various topics related to food. In this edition there are five articles from various researchers, namely the application of Mocaf flour to pound cake, a case study in a cafeteria at Karawang about the Relationship between Food Quality and Customer Satisfaction Users of Online Ojek Messaging Services, consumer acceptance of onion stick (stik bawang) by adding oyster mushrooms as added nutrients, substituting arrowroot tuber flour in making fresh bread formulations, and Consumer Acceptance of Shredded Catfish with Breadfruit Addition (Artocarpus communis) Case Study in one area at Jakarta.
Pada jurnal sains boga terbitan volume satu dengan nomor 2 ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat lima buat artikel hasil penelitian yaitu mengenai aplikasi penggunaan tepung mocaf menjadi pound cake, studi kasus di suatu kantin di karawang mengenai Hubungan Antara Kualitas Makanan dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan Pengguna Layanan Pesan Antar Ojek Online, mengena daya terima masyarakat terhadap penambahan gizi pada stick bawang dengan menambahkan jamur tiram, subsitusi tepung umbi garut dalam membuat formulasi roti tawar, dan Penerimaan Konsumen Terhadap Abon Ikan Lele dengan Penambahan Sukun (Artocarpus communis) Studi Kasus di salah satu wilayah di Jakarta.
As the first journal published by the Department of Gastronomy, State University of Jakarta. This first volume contains various topics related to food. In this edition, there is a review article on the exclusion of dietary cholesterol from specific food restrictions. Then four food research articles, the substitution of puree banana peel in making banana cake, the effect of the heating process on making of instant Oncom, consumer acceptance of chocolate Ganache, and consumer acceptance of the addition of fresh Fettuccini with breadfruit.
Sebagai jurnal pertama yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Tata Boga, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Volume pertama ini berisikan berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan boga. Dalam edisi ini terdapat satu buah artikel review mengenai batasan konsumsi makanan bagi penderita kolesterol di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan aturan yang ada dunia. Kemudian empat buah artikel penelitian boga yaitu penambahan subsitusi puree kulit pisang dalam pembuatan banana cake, pengaruh teknis pemanasan terhadap pembuatan oncom instan, daya terima konsumen terhadap coklat Ganache, dan daya terima konsumen terhadap penambahan sukun dalam pasta segar Fetuccini.
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